Thursday, 10 December 2015

Preliminary Exercise Evaluation Feedback 

Evaluation mark: 6/10
Grade: C

WWW: A solid evaluation that uses some media terminology effectively and picks out some key strengths and weaknesses in the production. You’ve clearly reflected on the process too – this will help with the real MEST2 coursework.
EBI: Your written English is a little informal – this is something to consider for academic writing over the next 18 months as your A Levels progress. For the top grades, you lack the detailed analysis of key shots, edits, sounds etc. and the possible interpretations for the audience. You do consider the audience which is good to see but I’d like more detailed and specific discussion of certain shots, transitions etc. 

  1. Include detailed analysis of the key shots, editing, sounds ect. and go into more detail when evaluating possible interpretations for the audience.
  2. Make sure that my English is more formal and go into more depth.
  3. Analyse transitions and shots.

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