Tuesday 29 September 2015


Low-key lighting

Strong contrast between dark and light (chiaroscuro)- creates a dramatic effect.
The key light is mainly on the right side of the characters face. There is some back lighting. The atmosphere is like a film noir movie, the lighting helps us interpret that the still shot may be taken from a crime scene. The characters expression is very mysterious and the shadows help emphasis that. 

Low-key lighting

Top lighting- this emphasises her beauty and makes her appear like a star and look more glamorous. From what we can see there is no other lighting. The background is almost black and the only visible thing in the still shot is the characters face and a bit of her hands. 

High-key lighting

there aren't many shadows being created. However, there are shadows under the characters eyes, which suggests that top lighting is being used. The use of this top light creates an aggressive facial expression.

Low-key lighting

The use of low-key lighting helps create a dark mysterious atmosphere.  There is lighting coming from the back to show the rain. Furthermore there's some sort of light reflecting on the gun, which may be a filler light and there's also a light coming from the left side which helps light one side of his face.


Low-key lighting

There is an obvious shadow which means no filler lights have been used. However there is a key light shining onto the left side of the character. 

High-key lighting

There is natural light coming through the blinds which creates shadows on the characters. 

High-key lighting

The only lighting used in this image is a back light to create the silhouettes on the floor, this creates a dramatic and mysterious picture. 

Low-key lighting

There is a clear contrast between light and dark. The key light is on the left side of her face. And there is hardly any filler light. This creates a dramatic and mysterious feel to the image. 

High-key lighting

 There are no shadows which is a great example of high-key lighting. The picture looks very natural and doesn't give the impression of thee being any lighting used. There also might be a top light used in this image as there is a shadow where his neck is.

Low-key lighting 

There is key light coming from the left side of his face as this side is lit. This image is very dark, which creates a  creepy and intense atmosphere.

High-key lighting

There are shadows present in the image however they're not emphasised therefore they look natural. 

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